Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shrek's house. Early concepts.

Shrek first lived in a garbage dump near a human village called Wart Creek. At one time it was thought that he lived with his parents and kept rotting fish in his bedroom. Here are more of my early concepts  for the first Shrek film, circa 1996/97.

Most of us, if not all of us, were used to designing for flat 2D animation. It seemed to me that our gouache paintings, delightful as they were, with their brush marks and paper textures, were not going to get us near to the CG look that Shrek was going to have so I started building models, photographing them and working with them in Photoshop. Using Photoshop was a fairly new concept in those days though I was by no means the first to do so.


Kendra Melton said...

These are fantastic! That first sketch is especially nice i love the logs in the ground that lead up to the house especially. Very nice!

Paul Shardlow said...

Thanks, Kendra. There's nothing like a good log to make a picture sparkle. Personally, I was hoping the dead dog in the puddle would be the piece de resistance. Shrek was a rather disgusting character in his early incarnation. Keep doing your excellent sketches and perhaps we'll meet up at Drawingclub one Thursday evening.

Marcelo Vignali said...

I did a similar thing when I was working on Lilo. I built a model of Lilo's home, and then used it as a model to draw from. The rafters construction and tin roof was a hang up for me, so I built it to understand it.

Chelsea Odd said...

Amazing early Shrek concepts!! Thanks for showing us.

patrick mate said...

the result of 3d and 2d is here phenomenal,i'm totally in it .I love those early drawings from Shrek dead on in the slyle of the early character design.And the water color Snow white meet the dumpster is priceless.

Scott R said...

Loved reading this, thank you